Thursday, January 30, 2020

What Matters in Time Essay Example for Free

What Matters in Time Essay Im never gonna do that again . . . . During my work as a staff nurse, any time I heard one of the patients going through detox make this vow, I would cringe and think: Sure, you will. You all do. Its just a matter of time. I dont know why you even bother going through detox. Its a waste of time and money. You just need to stop doing whatever youve been doing and just stop drinking. Its plain and simple. Just quit drinking. Those thoughts, however, occured prior to my attending the Therapeutic Interventions (Alcohol) Course. While attending this seminar, the more I learned about detox from alcohol, the more I began to assess my faulty thinking regarding individuals who, for whatever reasons, seemed incapable or unwilling to change their destructive drinking patterns. Most of the people I worked with, I felt, were not at the ideal point I heard about during this training, where they wanted to change and/or stop drinking. (Raistrick, 2004, p. 41) Those I encountered in my work at an acute medical ward had usually been admitted wiith high alcohol intake. Most of the time, my feelings toward them were ambivalent. During the time they were in my care, withdrawing from alcohol on Benzodiazepins-Chordiazepoxide, I treated them without empathy. I felt I knew each of these patients, even before I heard their story or studied their chart. Even though I didnt consider myself to be at the point I was void of any feelings toward these individuals, nevertheless, I made a point to keep a safe emotional distance from them. In a sense, my feelings were numbed as I repeatedly watched what I perceived to be a merry-go-round of their self-inflicted madness. In my mind, these individuals needed something more than what they were receiving from the detox program. More often than not, I found myself thinking disparaging thoughts, as I watched those struggling through planned detoxifications, alongside others unwillingly commited to the detox program. In planned detoxifications, I learned during training, individuals are more likely to succeed with maintinaing sobriety, if they want to discontinue drinking. During an immenent need to detox, however, when someone is hospitalized or has been arrested and/or locked up to begin serving a prison sentence, when alcohol detoxification may or may not be pre-planned, if the person does not want to change, success is less likely. A second detox scenario occurs when individuals enter a residential treatment program. At this time, alcohol detoxification is considered routine. A third type detoxification tranpires at times, following a period of sobriety, in order for a person to restablaize. (Raistrick, 2004, p. 41) Toms detox, I felt, represented the third kind. Prior to detox training, my feelings of frustration intensifired whenever I would work with some of the repeat detoxers like Tom*, an old man in his early forties. I had watched Tom go through the same detox scenario four times during the past two years. Tom sometimes became so confused he would forget where he was and try to leave the unit. I have to go home now. My wife wants me to cook lunch for her today. Its her birthday. Tom told me one day right before his evening meal. I knew Toms wife had left him several years ago. Later, I had to stop him when he tried to walk out the door behind one of the orderlies. No, Tom, you cant leave here yet. Youve only been in detos two days, I said. You have to remain here at least another 5 days. Attending this course helped me understand that like Toms, a patients confusion during detox is normal. Individuals detoxing, one speaker stressed, may display symptoms from anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia, and with increasing severity, hallucinations . . . to the terrors of delirium tremens in which orientation in time, place and person is lost, and vivid hallucinations are experienced along with clouding of consciousness (akin to dreaming whilst awake). (Petersen Mcbride, 2002, p. 167) Prior to attending the Therapeutic Interventions (Alcohol) Course, I did not seriously note that one of the vital reasons detox needs to take place within care of medical personnel as â€Å"detoxing from alcohol can be fatal. Alcohol, para. 2) When alcohol is suddenly taken away from a person who has been abusing it for a long period of time, that persons body experiences reactions which could prove to be deadly. Matrisha*, another patient I became frustrated with during her detox, on the other hand, knew exactly where she was, along with the date and time. She also made a point to repeatedly upset the others in the ward. Recently, when another nurses caught Matrisha riffling through another patients night stand and helping herself to candy, she confronted her. Matrisha, like other detoxing patients at times, became aggressive and violent. Although I tried to understand patients like Tom and Matrisha, however, the merry-go-round these patients seemed to choose to ride didnt make sense. Knowledge I gained while attending the Therapeutic Interventions( Alcohol) Course helped me begin understand concepts contributing to the mirage of difficulties those detoxing regularly experience. The time invested in this learning also helped me begin to see these people as individuals just like me. Even though we may struggle with different scenarios in life, and even though at times, I may not fully understand what those in detox were going through, this training helped me realize I could try to empahatize with them. Instead of building a fence between myself and patients in detox, I could remember a point promoted by one prominent speaker. The success of these centres (sic) depends upon training staff to feel confident about monitoring withdrawal in order to identify those clients who are in need of medical help, and training that enablesstaff quickly to form a helping alliance with clients. (Raistrick, 2004, p. 41- 42) I could also make a point to be one of the staff to take training seriouusly and whenever possible help without cringing. I could also, as AD counselor encourage those going through alcohol detox and treatment, look within myself to see how I could change for the better. Attending the Therapeutic Interventions (Alcohol) Course proved to be more helpful than I anticipated and allowed me to see how I could improve within my self and strengthen my professional and personal skills. As I reflect on things I learned, I understand that I could have listened more to what patents were telling me with their words and actions. I remind myself often that my job as as a staff nurse in detox is to help bring those going through the painful difficult medical, physical, and emotional aspects is vital. Alcohol detox is the first step in the treatment of alcoholism. The recovery of the alcoholic cannot begin until they have undergone alcohol detox. And since alcoholism is a disease that kills, alcohol detox is the first line of defense in saving the patients life. ALCOHOl† para. 1-5; 7) As I work with others to try to help problems drinkers come to a point they are ready to change and realize their life would be better without alcohol, I no longer focus on their past failures. I stive, instead, to be supportive and encourage them to do their best today. (Raistrick, 2004, p. 40) Toady, I no longer cringe when someone tells me, Im never gonna do that again . . .. Nor does something in detox that does not make sense upset me. Some things, I realize, dont have to be completely understood. When I try to understand what it feels like to walk in another persons shoes and look at the world through their eyes, however, that matters. Today, I have more respect for the patients entrusted to my care. I have gained a sense of empathy for their plight. What does matter, I now understand, is that time invested in helping another person, in or out of detox, does matter. *Names of indviduals portrayed in paper have been changed. References ALCOHOL DETOX. retrieved May 5, 2006 from http://www. spencerrecovery. com/alcohol- detox. html. Champney-Smith, J. (2002). Chapter 22 Dual Diagnosis. In Working with Substance Misusers: A Guide to Theory and Practice, Petersen, T. Mcbride, A. (Eds. ) (pp. 267-273). New York: Routledge. Lewis, J. , Williams, S. (2002). Chapter 15 Home Detoxification. In Working with Substance Misusers: A Guide to Theory and Practice, Petersen, T. Mcbride, A. (Eds. ) (pp. 197-204). New York: Routledge. Petersen, T. Mcbride, A. (Eds. ). (2002). Working with Substance Misusers: A Guide to Theory and Practice. New York: Routledge. Raistrick, D. (2004). Chapter 3 Alcohol Withdrawal and Detoxification. In The Essential Handbook of Treatment and Prevention of Alcohol Problems, Heather, N. Stockwell, T. (Eds. ) (pp. 35-48). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Atom :: essays research papers fc

The Atom In the spring of 1897 J.J. Thomson demonstrated that the beam of glowing matter in a cathode-ray tube was not made of light waves, as "the almost unanimous opinion of German physicists" held. Rather, cathode rays were negatively charged particles boiling off the negative cathode and attracted to the positive anode. These particles could be deflected by an electric field and bent into curved paths by a magnetic field. They were much lighter than hydrogen atoms and were identical "what ever the gas through which the discharge passes" if gas was introduced into the tube. Since they were lighter than the lightest known kind of matter and identical regardless of the kind of matter they were born from, it followed that they must be some basic constituent part of matter, and if they were a part, then there must be a whole. The real, physical electron implied a real, physical atom: the particulate theory of matter was therefore justified for the first time convincingly by physical experiment. They sang success at the annual Cavendish dinner. Armed with the electron, and knowing from other experiment that what was left when electrons were stripped away from an atom was much more massive remainder that was positively charged, Thomson went on in the next decade to develop a model of the atom that came to be called the "plum pudding" model. The Thomson atom, "a number of negatively electrified corpuscles enclosed in a sphere of uniform positive electrification" like raisins in a pudding, was a hybrid: particulate electrons and diffuse remainder. It served the useful purpose of demonstrating mathematically that electrons could be arranged in a stable configurations within an atom and that the mathematically stable arrangements could account for the similarities and regularities among chemical elements that the periodic table of the elements displays. It was becoming clear that the electrons were responsible for chemical affinities between elements, that chemistry was ultimately electrical. Thomson just missed discovering X rays in 1884. He was not so unlucky in legend as the Oxford physicist Frederick Smith, who found that photographic plates kept near a cathode-ray tube were liable to be fogged and merely told his assistant to move them to another place. Thomson noticed that glass tubing held "at a distance of some feet from the discharge-tube" fluoresced just as the wall of the tube itself did when bombarded with cathode rays, but he was too intent on studying the rays themselves to purse the cause. Rontgen isolated the effect by covering his cathode-ray tube with black paper. When a nearby screen of florescent material still glowed he realized that whatever was causing the

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Home Reading Report

Save to Officio Citizenship and Immigration Canada Citoyennete et Immigration Canada PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED – B PAGE 1 OF 4 SCHEDULE A BACKGROUND / DECLARATION The principal applicant, his or her spouse or common-law partner, if applicable, and all dependent children aged 18 years or older listed in the application for permanent residence must complete their own copy of this form. If there is not enough space to provide all the necessary information, attach to this form a separate sheet of paper with further details.Print your name at the top of each additional sheet and indicate the form's title and the number of the question you are answering. Before you start completing this form, make enough photocopies for your needs. You can also print all or part of this form from our Web site at www. cic. gc. ca. BEFORE YOU START, READ THE INSTRUCTION GUIDE TYPE or PRINT in black ink Indicate whether you are The principal applicant 1. Your full name Family name The spouse, common-law partner or dependent child aged 18 years or older of the principal applicant 6.Have you, or, if you are the principal applicant, any of your family members listed in your application for permanent residence in Canada, ever: YES NO a) been convicted of a crime or offence in Canada for which a pardon has not been granted under the Criminal Records Act of Canada? b) been convicted of, or are you currently charged with, on trial for, or party to a crime or offence, or subject of any criminal proceedings in any other country? c) made previous claims for refugee protection in Canada or at a Canadian visa office abroad, in any other country or countries, or with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)? ) been refused refugee status, an immigrant or permanent resident visa (including a Certificat de selection du Quebec (CSQ) or application to the Provincial Nominee Program) or visitor or temporary resident visa, to Canada or any other country? e) been refused admission to , or ordered to leave, Canada or any other country? f) been involved in an act of genocide, a war crime or in the commission of a crime against humanity? Date of birth Town/City of birth Country of birth Date of death, if deceased 5. Year Month Day Tito Given name(s) Roderick 2. Your full name written in your native language or script (e. . , Arabic, Cyrillic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese characters or Chinese commercial/telegraphic code) Roderick M. Tito 3. 4. Your date of birth Year Month Day 1972 01 17 Personal details of your father Family name Tito Given name(s) Felix 1 9 1 2 1 2 0 8 Danao City, Cebu Philippines Year Month Day g) used, planned or advocated the use of armed struggle or violence to reach political, religious or social objectives? h) been associated with a group that used, uses, advocated or advocates the use of armed struggle or violence to reach political, religious or social objectives? ) been member of an organization that is or was engaged in an activity that is part of a pattern of criminal activity? j) been detained, incarcerated or put in jail? 1 9 9 8 Personal details of your mother Family name at birth k) had any serious disease or physical or mental disorder? Tito If your answer to any of these questions is YES, provide details below. Given name(s) Fedilinda Date of birth Town/City of birth Country of birth Date of death, if deceased 1 9 4 7 0 4 2 7 Year Month Day Danao City, Cebu Philippines Year Month DayThis form is made available by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and is not to be sold to applicants. IMM 5669 (07-2011) E (DISPONIBLE EN FRANCAIS – IMM 5669 F) Save to Officio PAGE 2 OF 4 7. Education Give the number of years of school you successfully completed for each of the following levels of education. Elementary/ primary school Secondary/ high school University/ college Trade school or other post secondary school 6 4 1. 5 Give full details of all the secondary and post secondary education (including university, coll ege and apprenticeship training) you have had.From To Type of certificate or Name of institution City and country diploma issued Y M M Y 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 3 2 0 1 2 0 3 2 0 1 2 0 3 1 9 9 7 1 2 1 9 9 7 1 2 1 9 9 7 0 6 1 9 9 7 0 7 BMC Training Center for Welding and Fabrication Inc. BMC Training Center for Welding and Fabrication Inc. MIAP Training and Service Center / TESDA Region VII Technical Education and Skills Development Authority ( TESDA Region VII ) Mandaue Technical Institute Mabolo Cebu City, Philippines Mabolo Cebu City, Philippines Cebu City, Philippines Cebu City, Philippines 1 9 9 4 0 6 1 9 9 5 0 4 8. Personal historyMandaue City, Cebu Philippines Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II ( 360 hrs. ) Industrial Pipefitting NC II ( 160 hrs. ) Industrial Pipefitting Course ( 80 hrs. ) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 10 months Basic Seaman Course Provide the details of your personal history since the age of 18, or the past 10 years, whichever comes first. Start with the mos t recent information. Under â€Å"Activity†, write your occupation or job title if you were working. If you were not working, provide information on what you were doing (for example: unemployed, studying, travelling, retired, in detention, etc. ).Note: Please ensure that you do not leave any gaps in time. Failure to account for all time periods will result in a delay in the processing of your application. From Y M Y To M Activity Welding Instructor and Aircon Techinician City or town and country Cebu City, Philippines Name of company, employer, school, facility, as applicable Brilliant Metal Craft Training Center for Welding and Fabrication Inc. 2 0 1 2 0 6 2 0 1 2 12 2 0 1 0 12 2 0 1 2 0 3 Electromechanical Supervisor Servicing Department Supervisor Machinist / Tool keeper Machinist / Fitter Mandaue City, Philippines Mandaue City, PhilippinesMEPZ- I ,Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines MEPZ- I ,Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines ZERCOOL POWER Airconditioning and Electrical Servic es B and A TRADING and Airconditioning Services ABTECH Machineries and Engineering Services Corp. ATA Engineering and Technology Consortium Inc. 1 9 9 7 0 6 2 0 1 0 12 1 9 9 4 0 4 1 9 9 6 12 1 9 9 2 1 1 1 9 9 4 0 3 9. Membership or association with organizations What organizations have you supported, been a member of or been associated with? Include any political, social, youth or student organization, trade unions and professional associations. Do not use abbreviations.Indicate the city and country where you were a member. Write â€Å"NONE† in the box if you have not been a member of any association/organization. From Y M Y To M Name of organization Insovilla Plains Homeowners Association BMC Assistant Instructor NONE Type of organization SOCIAL STUDENT Activities and/or positions held within organization PRESIDENT PRESIDENT City and country Lapu-lapu City, Cebu Philippines Cebu City, Philippines 2 0 0 7 0 3 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 2 0 5 2 0 1 2 0 6 NONE NONE 10. Government positions List any government positions (such as civil servant, judge, police officer) you have held. Do not use abbreviations.Write â€Å"NONE† in the box if you have not held any government position. From Y M Y To M Country and level of jurisdiction (e. g. national, regional, municipal) NONE Department/Branch Activities and/or positions held NONE NONE NONE NONE IMM 5669 (07-2011) E Save to Officio PAGE 3 OF 4 11. Military service Provide below details of military service for each of the countries in whose armed forces you served. Write â€Å"NONE† in the box if you have not undertaken military service. Name of country NONE From Y M Y To M Branch of service, unit numbers and names of your commanding officers Rank(s) Dates and places of any active combatNONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Name of country NONE From Y M Y To M Branch of service, unit numbers and names of your commanding officers Rank(s) Dates and places of any active combat NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 12. Addresses Li st all addresses where you have lived since your 18th birthday. Do not use P. O. box addresses. From Y M Y To M Juan Luna Street 749 M. L Quezon St. Cabancalan Insovilla Plains, Marigondon Street and number City or town Province, State or District Country 1 9 9 0 0 1 1 9 9 3 0 1 1 9 9 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 Danao City Mandaue CIty Lapu-lapu City Cebu Cebu Cebu Philippines Philippines Philippines 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 2 12 IMM 5669 (07-2011) E Save to Officio PAGE 4 OF 4 Authority to disclose personal information By submitting this form, you consent to the release to Canadian government authorities of all records and information any government authority, including police, judicial and state authorities in all countries in which you have lived may possess on your behalf concerning any investigations, arrests, charges, trials, convictions and sentences. This information will be used to assist in evaluating your suitability for admission to Canada or remaining in Canada pursuant to Canadian legisl ation.Declaration of applicant I declare that the information I have given is truthful, complete and correct. Year Month Day Signature Date DO NOT COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION NOW. YOU MAY BE ASKED TO SIGN IN THE PRESENCE OF A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT OR AN OFFICIAL APPOINTED BY THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT. Solemn declaration I, , do solemnly declare that the information I have given in the foregoing application is truthful, complete and correct, and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath.Interpreter declaration I, , do solemnly declare that I have faithfully and accurately interpreted in the language the content of this application and any related forms to the person concerned. I have been informed by the person concerned, and I do verily believe, that he or she completely understands the nature and effect of these forms, and I make this solemn declaration consci entiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as is made under oath. Signature of applicant Signature of interpreterDeclared before me at Canadian Government official this day of of the year Name Please print or type Signature The information you provide on this form is collected under the authority of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and will be used for the purpose of assessing your application for permanent residence. It will be stored in Personal Information Banks (PPU 039 entitled Overseas Immigration Case File and PPU 042 entitled Immigrant Case File). It may be shared with other organizations in accordance with the consistent use of information under the Privacy Act.Under the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act, individuals have the right to protection of and access to their personal information. Details on these matters are available at the Infosource website (http://infosource. gc. ca) and are als o available at public libraries across Canada. IMM 5669 (07-2011) E Family Name: Tito Save to Officio Given Name: Roderick . 7. Education Give the number of years of school you successfully completed for each of the following levels of education. Elementary/ Secondary/ University/ 6 4 primary school high school collegeADDENDUM 1. 5 Trade school or other post secondary school Give full details of all the secondary and post secondary education (including university, college and apprenticeship training) you have had. From Y M Y To M Name of institution BMC Training Center for Welding and Fabrication Inc. City and country Mabolo Cebu City, Philippines Mabolo Cebu City, Philippines Cebu City, Philippines Cebu City, Philippines Type of certificate or diploma issued Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II ( 360 hrs. ) Industrial Pipefitting NC II ( 160 hrs. ) Industrial Pipefitting Course ( 80 hrs. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 10 months Basic Seaman Course 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 3 2 0 1 2 0 3 2 0 1 2 0 3 1 9 9 7 12 1 9 9 7 12 1 9 9 7 0 6 1 9 9 7 0 7 BMC Training Center for Welding and Fabrication Inc. MIAP Training and Service Center / TESDA Region VII Technical Education and Skills Development Authority ( TESDA Region VII ) Mandaue Technical Institute 1 9 9 4 0 6 1 9 9 5 0 4 . 8. Personal history Mandaue City, Cebu Philippines Provide the details of your personal history since the age of 18, or the past 10 years, whichever comes first. Start with the most recent information.Under â€Å"Activity†, write your occupation or job title if you were working. If you were not working, provide information on what you were doing (for example: unemployed, studying, travelling, in detention, etc. ). Note: Please ensure that you do not leave any gaps in time. Failure to account for all time periods will result in a delay in the processing of your application. From Y M Y To M Activity Welding Instructor and Aircon Techinician City or town and country Cebu City, Philippines Na me of company, employer, school, facility, as applicable Brilliant Metal Craft Training Center for Welding and Fabrication Inc. 0 1 2 0 6 2 0 1 2 12 2 0 1 0 12 2 0 1 2 0 3 Electromechanical Supervisor Servicing Department Supervisor Machinist / Tool keeper Machinist / Fitter Mandaue City, Philippines Mandaue City, Philippines MEPZ- I ,Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines MEPZ- I ,Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines Mandaue City, Philippines Danao City, Philippines ZERCOOL POWER Airconditioning and Electrical Services B and A TRADING and Airconditioning Services ABTECH Machineries and Engineering Services Corp. ATA Engineering and Technology Consortium Inc. 1 9 9 7 0 6 2 0 1 0 12 1 9 9 4 0 4 1 9 9 6 12 1 9 9 2 1 1 1 9 9 4 0 3 9 9 2 1 1 1 9 9 3 0 5 1 9 9 0 0 4 1 9 9 2 10 Production Worker Coal Miner Sunpride Foods, Inc. Almendras Mining Corporation 12. Addresses List all addresses where you have lived since your 18th birthday. Do not use P. O. box addresses. From Y M Y To M Street and number City or town Province, State or District Country 1 9 9 0 0 1 1 9 9 3 0 1 1 9 9 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 Juan Luna Street Danao City Cebu Philippines 749 M. L Quezon St. Cabancalan Insovilla Plains, Marigondon Mandaue CIty Lapu-lapu City Cebu Cebu Philippines Philippines 2 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 2 12 IMM 5669 (07-2011) E .

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Environmental Benefits of Utilizing Nuclear Energy...

The world’s largest source of emission-free energy is nuclear energy. Energy sources like solar power, wind power, and hydro electric power are also good ways to produce clean energy; however, when it comes down to it they can’t produce the capacity of energy the world needs. The two largest problems with fossil fuels are that they are running out and produce greenhouse gases when burned. Greenhouse gases are gases that absorb and emit radiation inside the atmosphere. The main greenhouse gases in earth’s atmosphere are carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, methane, and ozone. Ultimately greenhouse gases are a good thing because they keep the earth warm enough to have a wide variety of climates; however, when our energy sources put†¦show more content†¦After being elected, President Obama canceled the funding of the main site for storing nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain Nevada; therefore, it is likely that the production of new nuclear power plants w ill be halted for another ten years. ( Stieglitz, par 6) However, eventually when we are forced to produce mass amounts of electricity with less emissions nuclear power will be the obvious choice. By 2030 the demand for electricity worldwide will have increased immensely due to economic growth and increased use of electric transportation. Each year we invest hundreds of billions of dollars into finding an alternative energy source, but when it comes down to it we are decades away from finding something that is able to produce electricity on a mass scale. However, we already have the option of nuclear power and it is overlooked every time. Environmentalists, scientists, and community activists ridicule the idea of nuclear power due to its high cost, safety factors, and nuclear waste. The Nuclear Information and Research Service is a group that discourages the further production of nuclear energy. They argue that even strictly regulated storage facilities are subject to disasters like contaminating underground water supplies, and terrorist attacks. They also argue that nuclear energy is far to expensive to be the answer to the energy crisis. Since the year 2000 estimated cost for nuclear power plantsShow MoreRelatedNuclear Energy Is Essential For The Modern World1400 Words   |  6 Pagesefficient, and safer ways to generate energy that plays an enormous role in keeping modern civilization moving forward. 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