Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mythology in the Ancient World - 2263 Words

Myths exist in every part of the world and are an integral part of the culture and identity. Ancient societies relied heavily on mythology to entertain, to answer questions, to explain and to implement social expectations. But most importantly, it allowed these people to explain the creation of the universe, the birth of mankind, the forces of nature, human condition and the purpose of life. As a result, myths can be considered essential for certain groups of peoples to explain the powerful forces that shape and affect their lives. These are evident in the mythology of Rome, Greece, Christian myths, the Norse mythologies and the myths of Mesopotamia. Most ancient myths are often stories of origins, dreams, archetypes, metaphysical aspects,†¦show more content†¦The Và ¶luspà ¡ states that â€Å"Odin and his brothers made the first man and first woman out of an ash tree and an elm tree.† (Internet 6) Odin gave man life, intelligence, and beauty. From Norse mythology, a poem called Và ¶luspà ¡, confirms this about the creation of the world: When Ymir lived long ago Was no sand or sea, no surging waves. Nowhere was there earth nor heaven above. Bur a grinning gap and grass nowhere. The sons of Bur then built up the lands. Moulded in magnificence middle-Earth: Sun stared from the south on the stones of their hall, From the ground there sprouted green leeks. (Và ¶luspà ¡-The Song of the Sybil) Odin created the universe in three levels similar to the Greeks and Romans with heaven and the Underworld. Correspondingly, other aspects of the world like the sun, the moon and stars, are also explained. They are explained by sparks and from this, the gods regulated the days and nights and also the seasons. But just like the Greek interpretation, the sun a god, Sà ³l. It is said that she rides through the sky on her chariot and is chased by a wolf. The moon is Sà ³ls brother called Mà ¡ni who is also chased by a wolf. The Norse myths also explained why the strength of the sun doesn’t kill them because of the shield, Svalinn, which is placed before Sà ³l. All this attributed to their theory of the world just like it did for the Greeks and the Romans. The lack of technology andShow MoreRelatedMythology vs Natural World: How mythology helped to explain aspects of the natural world to the ancient Greeks1289 Words   |  6 PagesGreek myths are all that s left of the ancient Greek religion, in which beauty, poetry, and creative activities were a vital part of the tradition. Centuries ago, the Greeks created numerous stories and poems, which are still being shared today, that showed their view of the world that existed not only in the mind of the Greek poets, but in the hearts of the humble and long suffering natives of ancient Greece. 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