Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Bible and the Quran free essay sample

In the world of literature we study artifacts presented by the text from both the Bible and Quran. They are both religious text for different religions. Christians mainly use the Bible and the Islams will generally use the Quran. They have both been around for many centuries to date back. Nobody actually knows exactly when these sacred books were originally written because they date back so far. The bible has two sections, a New Testament an Old Testament and the Quran has one hundred fourteen chapters. The Koran and the Bible are both sacred religious books. Yet, they both have many differences, as well as many similarities. The two books resemble each other in the manner in which they contain certain facts referring to the devil as a figure of evil, prayer, miracles, God having a relationship with humans and much more. Some of the differences that I have discovered include those that refer to the belief in trinity, crucifixion, and days of worship, salvation, the Holy Spirit and more things of that sort. We will write a custom essay sample on The Bible and the Quran or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although this may sound very peculiar, it seems as though most of he similarities in both the Bible and the Koran help to construct the very differences in both. The Quran revolves and evolves around Muhammads life. Muhammad recited the words of the Quran in response to various situations that has occurred in his life, but what these situations were is not recorded in the Quran. The central fact of the Muslim religious experience is Allah. The God of the Quran is one and transcendent, creator and sustainer of the universe, and the overwhelming concern of the believer. The word Islam means submission; a Muslim is one who submits to God, one who is a servant of God. This is not a mere disregard rather; it is submission to the Divine Will, a duty to realize actively Gods will in history. Thus, the Quran teaches that God has given the earth to man as a divine trust and that it is a persons duty and mission, as Gods agent, to strive to realize Gods will. The Holy Quran says that no man will be able to forge even a part of it and that no corruption shall touch it from any side. It is amazing that the Holy Quran has remained nchanged and unaltered during all these 1400 years and it shall remain so till the Day of Resurrection, for Allah, has taken it on Himself to protect it. The Book advocates the worship of one God or Allah. It explains how the followers should pray, how they should conduct business, how marriages should be solemnized and how wars should be fought. It forbids such evils as drinking, swearing, gambling, the worship of graven images, and the belief in the other gods than Allah. In short, it is a complete code of life. The Bible, however, is very different. It provides its own context and chronology. The New Testament is an anthology, a collection of Christian works written in the common Greek language of the first century, at different times by various writers. When it comes to the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These are the only gospel accounts that derive from the first century. Its revelation begins with creation and tells the story of God, the world, his people, the prophets and the Messiah, right through to the age of the resurrection. When the Bible gives arious commands or announces the gospel it does so within a context that it itself has revealed. Thus, to understand the Bible you only need the Bible. In fact, many of the stories that are only briefly retold in the Quran are told in full in the Bible. The to the Quran alone is misleading and inaccurate. The main difference between Islam and Christianity revolves around the divinity of Christ. Whereas the Koran states that Jesus was no more than a prophet of God, a human being, Christian doctrine insists that he was in some way divine, a son of God. The standard for Islam is the Koran; for Christianity it is the Bible, particularly the New Testament. One of the differences between the two texts is that the Quran invites you to believe in the word of God, while the Bible tells you what you should and should not do. The Bible has Ten Commandments that each tell you what you should live by, sort of like a moral code. The Quran also has something similar to the Ten Commandments; it is called the Five Pillars. The speaker in the Quran in the first person is God talking directly to man. In the Bible you have many men writing about God and you have in some places the word of God speaking to men and still in other places you have some men simply writing about history. They are actually surprisingly similar in the big picture sense but on the whole, I would say that the Bible puts more emphasis on a personal relationship with Jesus and a life after death, and the Quran puts more emphasis on total submission to God, patience and strength in the face of adversaries. They both are similar but have differences that make them their own distinct religion.

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